Clever Idea

Free Music - Spotify

March 16 , 2009 by Matthew Clark

A customer just introduced me to a legal and fantastic website called "Spotify" that gives you access to free music. Goto the webiste and register. Registration is easy and very quick. Create a user, password, download the software tool and install. Login from any computer with internet and the sound and you have access to your playlists, which will build up over time, as you listen to more and more sounds. It's your own personal radio.

Free to play music

There are free levels. The one most users will install is the free level - where you will listen to all the music for free for as long as you like, but you will get the odd advert thrown in. Just like your own commercial radio channel.

You can also try a day pass where you pay money for a "no adverts" version or a premium account where you need never hear an advert again for a monthly amount.

Free for music with some adverts
£0.99 for a day pass, advert free
£9.99 per month for a premium advert free account
(at time of writing)

Here at, were getting down to Crockett and Tubbs, from the 100 Greatest TV Theme Album!

Free Music Spotify